Social Label in de XXII Triënnale Milano 2019
Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival
Curated by Paola Antonelli < MoMa New York
Broken Nature is composed of a thematic exhibition and a number of international participations solicited through official channels. Social label>VEEG & our film on display. It will run from March 1 to September 1, 2019.
The XXII Triennale di Milano, Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival, consists of a thematic exhibition and several installations from international participants. It will run from March 1 to September 1, 2019. With the XXII edition, La Triennale di Milano reaffirms its decision to continue the tradition of the International Exhibition, the twenty-first edition of which was held in 2016 after a twenty-year hiatus.
Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2019
Beyond the object
Social label >TIJD, Social label > VAAS and our movie Social label >SKIN on display during Biennale Internationale Design Sint-Etienne 2019
Design as a link
Lisa White, commissaire principale de la 11e édition de la Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2019 sous le thème Me You Nous, créons un terrain d’entente © Pierre Grasset
What is design today? A table, a train, a cobot? “A community”, replied the main curator of the 2019 Biennale.